Title VI Statement and Procedure
No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
The City of Jennings has established this procedure as a means for any person who believes that he or she has been excluded from or denied benefits or has been subjected to discrimination by the City of Jennings based on race, color, national origin in relation to any service, program or activity administered by the City of Jennings or its sub-recipients, consultants or contractors. This complaint procedure applies to matters related to Title VI.
These procedures do not deny the right of the complainant to file formal complaints with other state or federal agencies or seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination. These procedures are part of an administrative process that does not provide for remedies that include punitive damages or compensatory remuneration for the complainant. Every effort will be made to obtain an early resolution of complaints. The option of informal mediation meeting (s) between the affected parties and the City Clerk’s Office may be used for resolution, at any stage of the process. The City Clerk’s Office will make every effort to pursue a timely resolution to the complaint. Initial interviews with the complainant and the respondent, if applicable, will request information regarding specifically requested relief and settlement opportunities.
If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin in programs or activities that the City of Jennings directly operates or to which the City of Jennings provides federal financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the City of Jennings. You may file a complaint about yourself or someone else.
The complaint must be filed within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the date the discrimination occurred. A complaint form is available from the City of Jennings, City Clerk’s Office, or the City of Jennings website, www.cityofjennings.org. Upon request, assistance will be provided to any person(s) unable to read or write English or who requires a form in an alternative format due to a disability.
The complaint form must be as complete as possible and must meet the following requirements:
- The complaint shall be in writing and signed by the complainant(s).
- Include the date of the alleged act of discrimination.
- Present a detailed description of the issues.
- Allegations received by fax or e-mail will be acknowledged and processed, once the identity(ies) of the complainant(s) and the intent to proceed with the complaint have been established.
- Allegations received by telephone will be reduced to writing and provided to the complainant for confirmation or revision before processing. A complaint form will be forwarded to the complainant for him/her to complete, sign, and returned for processing.
Complainants have the right to complain directly to the appropriate federal agency as well. Complainants have 180 days to file a complaint with the appropriate federal agency.
All complaints will be investigated by the City Clerk, in consultation with the Mayor and City Attorney. The review will be completed within forty-five (45) days after the City of Jennings received the complaint and a recommendation about the merits of the complaint and, if necessary, what steps will be taken to address the complaint will be issued and go to the complainants(s) and respondent(s), if applicable. A respondent may be any sub-recipient, consultant, or contractor named in the complaint.
If the complainant disagrees with the response, he or she may request reconsideration by submitting a request within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the response. Any affected party may submit information and/or documentation in writing to the City Clerk in support of their request for reconsideration of the recommendation. Upon review of the additional information and documentation, the City Clerk and the Mayor will have thirty (30) days to either reaffirm or reverse the original recommendation and provide written notice to the complainant and respondent. If neither party requests reconsideration, the recommendation becomes final.
If the complainant or respondent is dissatisfied with the City's resolution of the complaint, he or she may also submit a written complaint to the state or appropriate federal agency in accordance with the requirements of the state or federal agency.
City of Jennings
City Clerk’s Office
2120 Hord Avenue
Jennings, MO 63136
(314) 388-1164 phone | (314) 388-3999 fax
Email: Sbrown@cityofjennings.org
Note: Complaints must be filed with Federal agencies no later than 180 days after the alleged discrimination occurred. Prompt action after receiving the City's final response is necessary to ensure review by state or federal agencies.